
Celebrating World Lion Day

Celebrating World Lion Day

Celebrating World Lion Day

Celebrating World Lion Day

World Lion Day is celebrated on 10th of August every year to raise awareness of the challenges these vulnerable species face.The Maasai Mara Ecosystem holds one of the highest lion densities in world. Out of all the Big Cats in Masai Mara, the Lion is the one that arouses much awe and admiration. It is the largest of Africa’s big cats and is commonly referred to as the “King of the Jungle”.

Many people around the world are probably unaware that the global lion population is in worrying decline. A hundred years ago we think there were over a million lions. Today it is estimated that there are between 20,000 or 35,000 lions on this planet and fewer than 2,000 lions left in the wild in Kenya. This is such a sad fact.

Tourism in Kenya are trying their best to protect these creatures from extinction and have spent much of their lives fighting for the conservation of big cats. Although we have seen some huge successes, these incredible predators still remain threatened. Lions have disappeared from as much as 95% of their historic range in Africa, and their populations have declined by over 40% in just a few decades. In World Lion Day, we’re renewing our commitment to protecting these apex predators and the crucial habitat they need to thrive.